Friday, February 17, 2023



1.  What movie is the picture from?

2.  What picture is the quote from?

Otto: You know we don't stand a chance. Why not surrender?
Capt.: You know what would happen if we do.
Otto: Do we deserve any better?
Capt. : Otto, I'm not a Nazi.
Otto: No, you're worse. Lousy officers. You went along with it all, even though you knew who was in charge.

3.  What movie is this?

 It is based on the novel by Richard McKenna.  He had been a chief machinist mate for 22 years in the Navy. The novel was a bestseller.  He sold the rights for $300,000.  It is set in China in 1926 during the civil war between Jiang’s Nationalists and Mao’s Communists.  The area around Shanghai is “ravaged by corrupt warlords”.  It was filmed in Taiwan and Hong Kong.  It was a financial and critical success, nominated for eight Academy Awards:  Picture, Actor, Supporting Actor, Art Direction (Color), Cinematography (Color), Film Editing, Sound, and Original Music (Jerry Goldsmith). 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Air Force (1943).

    3. The Sand Pebbles

    Those two I know off the top of my head.


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