Thursday, June 20, 2024

Below (2002)



      “Below” is a horror war movie set on a sub. It was directed by David Thowy who also co-wrote the screenplay. It used the museum sub USS Silversides for exteriors shot on Lake Michigan.  The interiors were modeled after the WWII sub. The movie was a bomb, making only $3 million against a budget of $40 million.

The movie is set in the Atlantic in 1943. The USS Tiger Shark is patrolling when it picks up three castaways from a sunken hospital ship. One of them is a female, Claire (Olivia Williams). The sub suddenly is being stalked by a German destroyer. In the middle of the Atlantic?  Somebody is giving the German navy credit it does not deserve. The depth charging is obligatory. It is very intense as most of the explosives go off near the sub. The special effects are average. A record player playing without anyone starting it is the first clue that something eerie lurks. So, they have the Nazi warship above and an evil force below. In a laughable moment, the destroyer tries to hook the sub! Well, at least that is not cliché. An oil leak requires for men to don dive suits to go out and fix it while the sub remains submerged. Sure, why not? It’s just a movie, after all. Things spiral out of control as the crew gets whittled down. Eventually, we learn why the big evil is upset.

A submarine’s interiors are conducive to horror. “Below” is not the first sub movie to use the claustrophobic setting to enhance suspense. It’s so easy for characters to go insane. And, of course, there is nowhere to run if there is a demon on board. “Below” is a cut above because it throws in a who-dunit as far as why they are being haunted. Unfortunately, it could have been scarier as it relies mostly on sound effects and fleeting ghostly images. It does build well to the conclusion. The pieces fall into place nicely. Just make sure you suspend your knowledge of WWII submarine warfare. It is far from a documentary. At least it avoids most of the submarine cliches.

The cast is good. Greenwood is always reliable. Olivia Williams actually adds to the film as the sole female. She’s not there just for the movie poster. The acting is above average for an average flick. The score is effective and the cinematography is decent. There are lots of closeups, naturally for a sub movie.

“Below” is a decent submarine horror movie. You won’t piss your pants, but it is entertaining. And it is not predictable. It’s not particularly scary, but it is also not laughable. That’s quite an accomplishment for this subgenre.

GRADE  =  C+

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