Thursday, October 24, 2024

THE 12 NIGHTS OF HALLOWEEN: 8. World War Z (2013)


            “World War Z” is a war horror movie based on the novel by Max Brooks. The novel is organized as chapters of eyewitnesses to a zombie apocalypse. This format was not conducive to a screenplay and it took three screenwriters to bring it to film. The solution to the plot problem was the creation of a main character. That role went to Brad Pitt who was interested in making a summer blockbuster that his kids could brag about. The movie was directed by Marc Forster. It ended up with several problems. The third act was deemed weak and had to be rewritten and reshot. The studio nixed an extended version that was to climax in a huge battle in Moscow’s Red Square. The studio felt that turning Brad Pitt’s character into a zombie-killing Rambo was out of character. I side with it on that. The reshoots ballooned the budget to at least $190 million, but the movie did make $640 million worldwide. In spite of that profit, a sequel has been nixed.

            Gerry Lane (Pitt) is a retired UN investigator. He is living the opposite life with his wife (Mireille Enos) and two girls. The film makes a point of having him sincerely say he does not miss the adrenaline rush. That very day, while stuck in Philadelphia traffic, the zombie apocalypse hits with virtually no warning. Even people in tin foil hats are surprised. The screenwriters made the decision that everyone has seen a zombie movie, so why bother with the blah blah blah it started with a flu like virus… The quartet are thrown in the deep end, along with the audience. They appear to be the only family to escape Philadelphia, but the whole country is infested. After some zombie breath on the back of your neck running, They are given special evacuation because the UN needs Lane’s special investigatory skills. His wife and daughter are given refuge on a warship and he is sent to South Korea to chaperone a virologist who will save the world. It doesn’t exactly work out that way. After proving America’s best will need help, it’s off to Israel, which given it’s wall-building experience, has managed to build a wall around Jerusalem. But zombies aren’t Palestinians, so Lane is on the run again. He ends up, in spite of a terrible plane crash, in a WHO lab that may have the cure. It is also full of zombies. You know that adreneline he wasn’t missing? He’s gotten a year’s worth in a week.

            I know my synopsis is slightly snarky, but every zombie movie can be clowned for ridiculous plot developments. “World War Z” is the highest grossing zombie movie in history and it is one of the best. There are two reasons for this. One is the huge budget that allows for globe- trotting and amazing CGI. But the main reason why it is a cut above is Brad Pitt. He is excellent in the role and does well as a family man who has great survival skills. His resume has little to recommend him as savior of the world. It’s a bit odd that he is not a scientist, but they do have a genius scientist until oops!  Pitt dominates, especially since his family is abandoned midway through and are perfectly safe. Speaking of acting, the zombie actors are excellent. They really sink their teeth into their performances. Sorry.

            “World War Z” is more suspenseful than scary. There are some edge of your seat moments, but you know Brad Pitt and his lovely family are not in real danger. In fact, the movie does not have a high death rate for its main characters. It’s not a “who will survive?” movie. It’s a “how will Brad Pitt survive?” movie.



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