Sunday, March 29, 2020


1.  What movie is the picture from?

2.  What movie is this quote from?

Shapiro:  Hey Schultz, sprechen Sie Deutsches?
Shapiro: Then droppen Sie dead!

3.  What movie is this?

The film is based on the acclaimed novel of the same name by Kenneth Roberts which was published in 1937.  The movie came out in 1940 and was one of the first big Technicolar movies.  It was nominated for an Oscar for cinematography.  Director King Vidor was one of the best directors of the time and star Spencer Tracy was as big as they got.  The movie was meant to be the first of two parts with the sequel covering the actual attempt to locate the titled path.  The movie depicts the St. Francis Raid.


  1. My wild guesses:

    1. Midway
    2. Stalag-17
    3. Northwest Passage

    1. Yeah, that was the one I was most unsure of. The planes and the helmet on second glance look like are from some time after the Second World War but still closer to that time than to the present day. I'm pretty sure that I have not seen the movie, whatever it is.

    2. Hint: the plane is a Skyraider and it's about to crash.

    3. I can't name the movie even with the hint but can live with the suspense - I'll let someone else guess it and in the meantime keep my eyes open for that scene.

  2. Answers:
    1. Rescue Dawn
    2. Stalag 17
    3. Northwest Passage


Please fell free to comment. I would love to hear what you think and will respond.