There are
two war movies that posit Americans and Japanese being thrust together on
islands in the Pacific in WWII. “None
But the Brave” (1965) brings together two platoons and “Hell in the Pacific”
involves two men. Both movies focus on
the clash of cultures and the difficulties of peaceful coexistence between
enemies that do not understand each other.
Which is stronger: the urge for
survival or the hatred and fear of someone different than you?

Besides the obvious similarities
in themes, the movies share the emphasis on the language barrier. Both eschew subtitles for the Japanese to
give the audience a feel for the confusion and misunderstandings of the two
sides. This is effective, but especially
in the case of “None”, it can be more confusing than effective. “None” is more interested in examining the
differences in command and warrior ethos, whereas “Hell” is more personal. Mifune and Marvin do not so much represent
their nation’s attitudes as they represent two nut cases thrust together. Mifune could just as easily have been a
cantankerous German.
“None” may have a better
template, but it is the inferior film.
It is poorly acted with absolutely horrendous dialogue. At one point, Bourke tells Kuroki “Aw
shove it, and don’t forget to duck”.
WTF Does this make sense to
anyone? The soldier talk is laughable
(at least we don’t have to understand what the Japanese are saying). The narration is sappy with ridiculous
emphasis on pronunciation of the Rs and Ls.
It is also riven with clichés.
For example, the green, gung-ho lieutenant who gets his battle, but
regrets it. Sinatra hams it up, but
surprisingly lets Walker lead. The movie
does have a good action scene in the battle over the boat and the portrayal of
the Japanese enlisted is sympathetic.
“Hell” is better, but could have
been a hell of a lot better. It is
thought-provoking and well-acted (of course with Mifune and Marvin), but
unrealistic. For example, two guys in
such terrible shape could not have survived the raft adventure. Some of the vignettes are silly. Marvin throws bullets into Mifune’s fire and
they go off like a machine gun. Later,
he pees on the Japanese. Some of the
interactions are a bit slap-stick. The
cinematography is good, but the score is bizarre. It does avoid clichés as both of the men are
dislikable and borderline insane. You
can’t root for either or both. The
ambiguous ending is off-putting, but appropriate.
Both movies have the same pious
anti-war message. Each seduces us with
the idea that enemies can coexist and learn to respect each other, but then
pulls out the rug to hammer its “war is uncivilized” conclusion. The duel is between the ridiculous and the
unrealistic. Go with the unrealistic
because it has two great actors chewing the scenery instead of a bunch of bad
actors playing army men.
None But the Brave = D-
Hell in the Pacific = C
I did like the Japanese Army uniforms in "None", not bad for 1965.