Well, this first letter was easy. "All Quiet..." (1930) is the most important war movie ever made. It exemplifies the genre extremely well. The film was based on the greatest war novel and it does an outstanding job getting the book onto the silver screen. The movie is one of the best anti-war novel as all the young men that are friends with Paul Baumer are killed or badly wounded. It's depiction of trench warfare holds up over 100 years later. It was the first war movie to win the Oscar for Best Picture. To see how good it is, compare it to the most recent version which pales in comparison.
Above and Beyond (July, 2023)
Above Us the Waves (July, 2017)
Aces High vs. The Blue Max (Feb, 2012)
Aces High vs. The Blue Max (Feb, 2012)
Action in the North Atlantic (Jul, 2011)
Act of Valor (Feb, 2012)
#32 - The African Queen (Jul, 2012) Book/Movie (Sept., 2020)
#61 - The Alamo(1960) (Jun, 2011)
The Alamo (2004)
Alatriste (Apr, 2018)
Alexander (Sept, 2017 & June 2012)
#5 - Alexander Nevsky (May, 2014)
The Alamo (2004)
Alatriste (Apr, 2018)
Alexander (Sept, 2017 & June 2012)
#5 - Alexander Nevsky (May, 2014)
Aliens (Jan., 2019)
Allied (Nov., 2016)
Allies (Jan, 2016)
#1 - All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) (Dec, 2014)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) (Jan., 2017)
Allied (Nov., 2016)
Allies (Jan, 2016)
#1 - All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) (Dec, 2014)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) (Jan., 2017)
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) (Oct, 2022) & here
All the Light We Cannot See (series) (Nov., 2023)
Alone in Berlin (Mar, 2018)
Ambush (1999) (June, 2022)
American Sniper (Jan., 2015)
American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally (2022) (Dec, 2022)
Angels One Five (Aug., 2021)
Angel's Wing (June, 2015)
Anthropoid (Feb., 2017)
Anzio (June, 2019)
ANZACS TV series Apr, 2020
#14 - Apocalypse Now (July, 2013)
April Morning (Book/Movie) Apr, 2020)
Angel's Wing (June, 2015)
Anthropoid (Feb., 2017)
Anzio (June, 2019)
ANZACS TV series Apr, 2020
#14 - Apocalypse Now (July, 2013)
April Morning (Book/Movie) Apr, 2020)
Army of Crime (Sep, 2011)
Army of Shadows (Sep, 2011)
Arctic Convoy, The (2023) (July, 2024)
The Ascent (Oct., 2020)
As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me (May, 2018)
Assault at West point (Aug., 2015)
Attack! (Sept., 2014)
As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me (May, 2018)
Assault at West point (Aug., 2015)
Attack! (Sept., 2014)
Auschwitz Report, The (2021) (Apr, 2023)
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