In 1984, the
Naval Institute Press published its first novel – The Hunt for Red October. Due to the success of that book, it decided
to wade in again two years later with Dean Koontz’s Flight of the Intruder. Koontz had spent nine years on active duty in
the Navy which included two combat tours in Vietnam on board the USS
Enterprise. He flew A-6 Intruders and
accrued 305 carrier landings, including 100 at night. The Intruder was a bomber that was used for
ground support, flak suppression, and general purpose targets. It was the Navy equivalent of the Air Force’s
F-105. The Navy lost 84 during the
war. 10 were shot down by surface to air
missiles (SAMs) and 56 were lost to ground fire and anti-aircraft
artillery. The last plane lost, to
ground fire on a ground support mission, was piloted by Lt. C.M. Graf. He and his bombardier were rescued by
helicopter. The Navy gave full
cooperation for the film version of the book.
Director John Milius (who wrote the first version of “Apocalypse Now”)
was given access to naval facilities and allowed to film on the USS
Independence. The Independence’s fire
crew dealt with numerous small fires created by the lighting. Four A-6s modified to look like their 1972
versions were provided with their crews.
In exchange for the cooperation, the Navy vetted the script and
suggested minor accuracy changes and nixed a scene where the main character
smoked marijuana. In general, the Navy
was hands-off as it was hoping to replicate the recruiting boost it had gotten
from “Top Gun”. That did not happen.
The movie
opens with a title card that informs us that the A-6 was the Navy’s main medium
attack bomber. It delivered its
ordinance at tree-top level in any weather.
It had no defensive weaponry. The
movie opens in September, 1972. A lone
Intruder piloted by Lt. “Cool Hand” Grafton (Brad Johnson) is on a night
mission to bomb a suspected truck park.
After wasting costly bombs to blow up some trees, the plane heads back
to the carrier with a frustrated crew.
Frustration turns to tragedy as a North Vietnamese farmer fires a once
in a million shot at the Intruder and hits the bombardier “Morg”. Another good American lost to a useless
target. This establishes the theme of
the movie. The rules of engagement
prevent men like Grafton from hitting worthwhile targets in Hanoi. Politicians are calling the shots and not
allowing the aviators to win the war. Grafton’s gruff boss, Commander Campanelli
(Danny Glover), sends him off to Subic Bay for some R&R and to get his mind
off his best buddy’s death. He has a
tryst with Callie (Rosanna Arquette) and meets his new bombardier “Tiger” Cole
(Willem Defoe). After some more hairy
missions and the loss of another mate, Grafton and Cole decide to hell with the
ROEs. They will disobey orders and
attack SAM City (a park where the missiles are lined up like the aircraft at
Hickam Field on Dec. 7,1941) in the middle of Hanoi. It will probably mean court-martial, but it
will sure feel good to get revenge.
“Flight of
the Intruder” is a competent air combat movie, but it does not break any new
ground. It has none of the flair of “Top
Gun”, but it is also not silly like much of that movie. It is a half-hearted attempt to recreate the
magic of that movie. Although it was big
budget, it does not come off that way.
The cast is fine, but Brad Johnson is no Tom Cruise. Willem Defoe and Danny Glover take acting
honors in meaty roles whereas Johnson is bit stiff. The movie includes David Schwimmer’s acting
debut, but he and the other supporting actors are not memorable. The soundtrack does not reach high altitude
and the dialogue also stays on the ground.
One curious diversion from the “Top Gun” playbook is the cursory romance
between Grafton and Callie. Rosanna
Arquette is miscast as Callie, but the romance is so brief that it makes no
difference. The real star is the A-6, of
course. It is a photogenic plane and
considering its role and accomplishments in the war, it deserved this
movie. The movie pares down the book’s
numerous missions to five, but the five are nicely done and suspenseful. They also do a good job as a tutorial for SAM
suppression, low level bombing, and rescue missions. Unfortunately, the special effects are not up
to the plane. Hanoi is obviously a model
and the overblown fireworks when SAM City is hit are embarrassing. In your face, Jane Fonda!
Milius is a
noted hawk when it comes to Vietnam. He
was upset when Coppola “adjusted” his “Apocalypse Now” script, turning it into
a hippy opus. He meant for “Flight” to
be anti-politicians rather than anti-war.
Surprisingly, he does not hammer his theme that the rules of engagement
prevented our fighting men from winning.
It is clear from the movie that the war was not wrong, it was the way we
fought it. That argument could be made,
but it is not effectively propounded in a film that is so full of clichés. Hell, Milius even throws in the bar fight war
movie fans have seen a million times.
Grafton is the stereotypical rogue warrior who gets away with insubordination
by succeeding. Cole is the man with a
past who is allowed to redeem himself through self-sacrifice. A character dies after showing off his
newborn. Nothing surprising happens in
the movie, but this can be comforting if you just want to watch an
old-fashioned aerial combat movie. Or if
you have some nostalgia for “Top Gun”, “Bridges at Toko-Ri”, “The Blue Max”,
following segment will compare the book’s plot to the movie.
The novel
opens with the same mission that results in the death of Morg. The movie replicates the mission very
accurately. From here, the movie cuts a
lot from the book. The novel has a lot of missions and a nice variety of
them. For instance, Jake has to fly a
tanker on a dark and rainy night. In
another, they bomb a MiG base. Most
significantly in advancing Koontz’s theme is a mission where Jake drops bombs
on a squad of Viet Cong hiding in the jungle!
The war in a nutshell. The
details of activities such as refueling, takeoffs, and landings are what you
would expect from a veteran A-6 pilot. The missions Milius chose to depict are
fairly close to the book, except the last one.
The film wisely changes the rogue mission to the attack on SAM
City. Although, the collateral explosions
are silly, it is a cinematically fulfilling improvement over the book’s attack
on the boring National Assembly building, which they don’t even hit! The aftermath is similar in the movie with the
court-martial aborted by Nixon’s decision to start bombing Hanoi. The last
mission in the book is not a redemptive ride to the rescue of Campanelli. Jake and Cole are on a flak suppression
mission and Jake decides to continue to the target in spite of losing an engine
and even comes around for a second approach after his bombs don’t drop. They bail out and Cole is badly wounded. A Skyraider pilot is shot down and it is he
that calls in bombs on his position because he knows he’s a goner. Jake shoots several North Vietnamese soldiers
to rescue Cole and a helicopter picks them up.
The movie
changes several characters. Callie is
not a pilot’s widow. She is hippieish
and the romance takes up a substantial amount of the book. Koontz has them touring the city and talking
a lot. She is a much more interesting
character than the woman in the movie.
On the other hand, the Cole of the book is not as interesting. He is given no back-story and is even more
laconic. Most likely the role was
tailored to Willem Defoe, which was wise.
Campanelli is the same except that it was felt necessary in the movie to
explain why a black man could have that last name. Fans of Lundeen in the book will be
disappointed by his demotion. In the
movie, the Phantom Shitter turns out to be the librarian so that Jake can blackmail
him into helping with the rogue mission.
And Jake fails flying the beast at the Tailhook Bar in the book. Lundeen succeeds. There is no bar fight, by the way.
In this case,
the book is better than the movie.
Koontz can be a bit tedious in his hammering at his theme that the men
are dying over useless targets. I guess
you can’t blame him for getting on his soapbox since he lived through the
frustration. At least he doesn’t fulfill
his wet dreams by having Jake and Cole altering the course of the war by
blowing up the communist National Assembly building. He manages to hit every type of mission an
A-6 might participate in. The missions
are exciting. Jake is more likeable and
although in the tradition of stereotypical hot shot pilots, flawed and not a
superhero. He even has some PTSD
problems that the movie completely omits.
The romance with Callie is realistic and she is not presented as an
anti-war balance to Jake. In spite of
her, the book is still very much a manly tale.