Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BOOK / MOVIE: The Flowers of War


                The Flowers of War is a novel by Geling Yan.  It is set in Nanking, China during the infamous “Rape of Nanking” in 1937.  Japanese soldiers have taken over the city and a multitude of atrocities are taking place.  The soldiers are killing, raping, and looting.  Thousands of Chinese civilians are targeted.  Corpses fill the streets.  No one is safe even in the “Safety Zone”.
                 Father Engelmann is an American priest who runs the St. Mary Magdalene mission.  He is sheltering around a dozen schoolgirls.  He is aided by his Deacon named Fabio.  His adopted “son” George is the simple-minded cook.  With gunshots ringing consistently on the outside, they pray that within the walls they will be safe.  Things get more complicated when they are joined by fourteen prostitutes and three Chinese soldiers.  The mission is now very dysfunctional.  The virginal, innocent girls are confronted by the crass sexuality of the whores.  There are several verbal and even physical confrontations between them.  Although some of the girls are orphans and from the lower class, part of the girl/whore dynamic involves culture clash.  The two groups are segregated with the girls in the attic and the whores in the cellar ( a bit heavy-handed in the symbolism ).  There is also the conflict between the pacifist Father Engelmann and the soldiers.  The Father insists the soldiers give up their arms in an attempt to keep the mission neutral, in case the Japanese come calling.
                The main character is one of the schoolgirls named Shujuan.  Her parents abandoned her and went to America.  She has issues.  The book develops several other characters.  The leader of the prostitutes is Yumo.  She is high-class and has the power to seduce any man.  She is the conscience of the whores and tries to keep them in line.  She becomes romantically involved with Major Dai – one of the soldiers who escaped the destruction of his command to take refuge in the mission.  The other two soldiers miraculously survived the mass slaughter of over 5,000 prisoners.  The flashback is one of the most memorable of the novel.
                It’s just a matter of time before the war finds them.  Meanwhile, there are problems with the lack of food and water.  As time passes, the girls and the prostitutes thaw toward each other.  Shujuan spends time watching them through a ventilation shaft.  It’s eye-opening, but even more ear-opening. 
                All good things must come to an end, however.  Japanese soldiers arrive and find the three soldiers.  The Japanese are thuggish and brutal.  Father Engelmann tries to stand up to them, but it is hopeless.  None of the trio survives, but the females are undiscovered.  For now.  Someone rats out the girls and the Japanese return for them.  Father Engelmann is told they are wanted for entertainment at a party.  He does not fall for that old one and manages to delay the abduction.  The solution is simple math and involves the suddenly altruistic prostitutes. 
                The novel is surprisingly good.  Yan writes well with few frills.  The plot is not complicated, but it is not predictable (except for the solution to the dilemma).  The back-stories are interesting.  The characters are appealingly drawn and you care about them.  Father Engelmann starts off as priestily naïve about the Japanese, but he evolves into a hero.  Yumo is the stereotypical prostitute with a heart of gold, but she balances the whores with mouths of potty.  Shujuan connects them together well.  Yan writes teenage girl realistically.  The main flaw is the implausibility of the conclusion.  Yan definitely stretches credulity, but I have to admit it was satisfying.
                The movie “The Flowers of War” was released in 2011 and was directed by Zhang Yimou with a huge budget.  He used part of the funds to hire Christian Bale to play the main character – American mortician John Miller.  A Chinese film with an American hero, imagine that.  The movie was a major hit in China and went on to become the top grossing movie in Chinese history.  It was nominated for several awards, but was not a favorite of critics.  Although Geling Yan helped with the screenplay, the plot is very different than the novel.
                In the movie, the schoolgirls and Miller arrive at the mission after running through the chaotic streets.  Father Engelmann is already dead and only George is there.  Miller is the stereotypical Yank – crass, money-hungry, alcohol-loving.  He is in need of redemption, naturally.  The prostitutes arrive soon after.  They are basically as depicted in the book.  Since the version I watched lacked subtitles, I can only assume their dialogue was similar to the book.  A stunning beauty named Ni Ni plays Yumo.  Miller hits on her in an embarrassing way.  “There’s no coffee. Let’s get liquored up”.  (A line not taken from the book.)  Major Li (the movie combines Major Dai and Sergeant Li) arrives with the wounded young soldier,  followed shortly by rampaging Japanese vermin who chase the girls all over the mission with rape on their minds.  The Japanese are distracted by a sniping Li and charge off to go 40 on 1.  Li is a Chinese Rambo and takes most (if not all) of them with him in a scene full of “Tae Guk Ri” spectacle with ridiculous explosions.  The scene is cathartic and officially makes the movie a war movie, but is nowhere in the book.
                Miller decides to assume the role of a priest.  He shaves his scraggly beard and hits the redemption road.  A new group of Japanese arrive led by the cultural (and seemingly human) Col. Hasegawa.  He apologizes for the previous group and promises to return to hear the girls sing.  He puts guards around the mission.  Two of the whores manage to sneak out to get some more pipa strings and to help advance the plot in two ways.  First, Miller meets a friend who encourages him to escape.  No thanks, I want to go to Heaven by continuing to masquerade as a priest.  Second, we get another frenetic chase scene culminating with a horrific glimpse at what will be in store for the girls if they fall into Japanese hands.  This scene was briefly mentioned in the epilogue of the book.
                After the girls sing angelically for Hasegawa, he “invites” them to perform at a military celebration.  Nothing to worry about.  And yet…  The girls climb to the top of the tower to commit suicide and are only dissuaded when Yumo and the other prostitutes offer to take their places.  Lucky thing Miller is a mortician who can make whores look like virginal thirteen year olds!  Unfortunately, there are thirteen girls and only twelve whores.  (This math problem does not appear in the novel.)  Someone needs to volunteer to become Georgette.
                I have posited in the past that movies based on books can and should be better than their source material.  And I would argue that a majority are.  This movie does not fit my theory.  One major inferiority is the Miller character.  If ever a character was shoe-horned into a movie, this one is.  He is nowhere to be found in the book and replaces the superior Father Engelmann.  The pre-redemption personality is cringe-worthy and the redemption is cliché.  The other huge flaw is the obvious attempt to add “explosions” literally and figuratively.  The director and screenwriter (the non-Yan one) must have found the book boring.  They added three action scenes and subtracted the mundane lack of food and water aspects.  The movie sacrifices realism for pizzaz.  Check out the prostitutes’ hair.
                Caroline (Beauty is a Sleeping Cat’s “Literature and War Readalong”) suggested that if we did not read the book, we could substitute the movie.  Not a good suggestion.  The movie is radically different from the book.  Where the book has an implausible ending, the movie is rife with implausibilities.  However, the movie does have its strengths.  The acting is good, except for pre-priest Bale.  The Shijuan and Yumo characters are well-played and accurately reflect the novel.  Both the girls and the prostitutes are fine (I guess, since I could not understand a word they were saying).  The movie is visually stunning.  The cinematography pulls out all the bells and whistles (hand-held, slo-mo, low angle, etc.)  The combat is reminiscent of Korean war films like “Tae Guk Ri”.  Watch out for flying debris!
                In conclusion, definitely read the book and if you get a chance and have Netflix Instant, watch the movie.  Make sure you do it in that order!
Book =  B+
Movie =  C+
the trailer
the full movie

Saturday, February 23, 2013


updated:  3/3/25   movies  =  887  series:  16  documentaries =  13   shorts  =  8
 Above and Beyond  (July, 2023)
Above Us the Waves  (July, 2017)
Aces High vs. The Blue Max  (Feb, 2012)
Act of Valor  (Feb, 2012)
Admiral  (June, 2023)
The Admiral: Roaring Currents  (Aug, 2017)
Age of Heroes  (Aug, 2012)
Aquirre, Wrath of God  (May, 2018)
Air America (1990)  (June, 2022)
Air Force  (Oct, 2013)
Air Strike   (Feb, 2019)
#61 - The Alamo(1960)  (Jun, 2011)
The Alamo (2004)
Alatriste (Apr, 2018)
Alexander  (Sept, 2017 & June 2012)
#5 - Alexander Nevsky  (May, 2014)
Alexander the Great  (Sept, 2017)
Alien Outpost  (Jan, 2016)
Aliens  (Jan., 2019)
Allied  (Nov., 2016)
Allies  (Jan, 2016)
#1 - All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) (Dec, 2014)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)  (Jan., 2017)
Alone in Berlin  (Mar, 2018)
Ambush (1999)  (June, 2022)
Ambush (2023)  (Jan., 2023)
The Americanization of Emily  (July, 2013)
American Sniper  (Jan., 2015)
Anderson Platoon, The  (Dec., 2021)
Andersonville  (Nov, 2017)
Angels One Five  (Aug., 2021)
Angel's Wing (June, 2015)
Anthropoid  (Feb., 2017)
Anzio  (June, 2019)
ANZACS TV series   Apr, 2020
#14 - Apocalypse Now  (July, 2013)
April Morning (Book/Movie)  Apr, 2020)
April 9th   (May, 2021)
Ardennes Fury (Dec, 2015)
Army of Crime  (Sep, 2011)
Army of Shadows  (Sep, 2011)
The Ascent (Oct., 2020)
As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me  (May, 2018)
Assault at West point (Aug., 2015)
Attack! (Sept., 2014)
Attackers, The (TV)  (Apr., 2022)
Attack Force Z (Aug., 2014)
Attack on the Iron Coast  (May, 2015)
At War as at War  (Jan., 2022)
Au Revoir, Les Enfants  (June, 2018)
Austerlitz (July, 2023)
Avatar (Jan, 2019)
Backdoor to Hell  (Sept., 2021)
Back to Bataan (June, 2014)
#81 - Ballad of a Soldier  (Dec, 2010)
Barefoot Gen  (Aug., 2018)
Barry Lyndon  (July, 2015)
Bataan  (March, 2013)
Battle Circus  (Oct, 2013)
Battle for Sevastopol  (Au., 2021)
#36 - Battleground  (Jun, 2012)
Battle Ground  (Oct, 2017)
Battle: Los Angeles  (Mar, 2011 & Feb, 2019)
#24 - Battle of Algiers  (Oct, 2012)
#90 - Battle of Britain  (Dec, 2010)
Battle of Haditha (May, 2014)
Battle of Los Angeles  (Feb, 2019)
Battleship  (May, 2012)
Battleship Island  (Mar, 2021)
#47 - Battleship Potemkin  (Oct, 2011)
Battle Taxi (July, 2014)
Battle of Westerplatte  (Nov, 2017)
BAT - 21   (Dec, 2019)
Beachhead (Mar, 2015)
Beach Red  (Feb, 2011)
The Beast  (Aug, 2011)
Beasts of No Nation  (Dec., 2015)
Beaufort vs. Lebanon  (Aug, 2012
#52 - Beau Geste (1939)    (Sep, 2011) & here  
A Bell for Adano   (May, 2022) book/movie
Below (June, 2023)
Beneath Hill 60  (May, 2016)
Benediction  (Dec., 2023)
#96 - Ben-Hur  (Aug, 2010)
 Between Heaven and Hell  (Jan., 2017)
Beyond Valkyrie  (Mar., 2017)
#58 - The Big Parade  (Jul, 2011)
#71 - The Big Red One  (Feb, 2011)
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk  (Nov., 2016)
Birdsong  (Feb, 2016)
Birdy  (Sep, 2011)
The Birth of a Nation  (Au., 2016)
Bitter Victory  (Aug., 2023)
Black Book  (Nov, 2010)
Black Crab (2021)  (Feb, 2023)
#13 - Black Hawk Down  (Aug, 2013)
Blood and Gold  (May, 2023)
The Blue Max vs. Aces High  (Feb, 2012)
The Blue Max (July, 2015) Book/Movie  (Sept., 2021) 
Bombardment, The  (Mar., 2022)
Born on the Fourth of July (June, 2014)  includes History or Hollywood
Boys From Brazil, The (Nov., 2023)
The Boys in Company C (Sept., 2014)
#67 - Braveheart  (Apr, 2011)
Bravo Two Zero  (Jan., 2014)
The Breadwinner   (Aug., 2021)
#91 - Breaker Morant (Sep, 2010)
Breakthrough (1950)  (Nov., 2014)
Breakthrough (1979)  (Oct., 2016)
The Brest Fortress  (Best/Worst 2015)  (Feb, 2016)
The Bridge (June, 2015)
Bridge at Remagen (Aug., 2015)
#12 - The Bridge on the River Kwai  (Aug, 2013) includes book/movie
A Bright Shining Lie   (Aug., 2021)
Buffalo Soldiers(Apr, 2013)
The Bunker  (July, 2016)
Burmese Harp  (Dec, 2019)
The Caine Mutiny (June, 2013)
The Captain (Aug.,  2021)
Captain America: The First Avenger (June, 2014)
Captain Blood (Sept., 2014)
Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Jul, 2011)
The Captive Heart   (Mar, 2021)
Carter's Army  (Sep., 2014)
Carve Her Name With Pride  (Feb., 2017)
#65 - Casablanca  (May, 2011)
Cast a Giant Shadow  (Oct., 2014)
#66 - Castle Keep  (May, 2011)
Casualties of War (Jan, 2015)
The Catcher Was a Spy  (Feb, 2019)
Catch-22 Book/Movie  (Mar, 2019)
Catch - 22 miniseries  (Jan, 2019)
Centurion  (Jun, 2011)
Charge of the Light Brigade, The  (1968)  (Oct., 2021)
Cheyenne Autumn  (Jun, 2011)  Book/Movie
Chicken Run  (May, 2017)
Chips, War Dog  (Oct, 2023)
Christmas Truce   (Dec., 2021)
Civil War (April, 2023)
Closely Watched Trains (Aug., 2014)
The Cockleshell Heroes  (Jan., 2014)
The Cold Blue  (June, 2019)
The Colditz Story  (Jul, 2012)
Cold Mountain  (Jun, 2011)
#50 - Colonel Redl  (Dec, 2011)
Come and See  (Oct, 2010)
Coming Home  (July, 2013)
Contractor, The  (Feb, 2023)
Coriolanus (2011)  (Mar, 2023)
Corregidor (Nov., 2014)
Counterfeit Traitor, The    (Seot., 2021)
Courage Under Fire  (Jan, 2013)
Covenant, The (2023)   (Apr, 2023)
The Cranes Are Flying  (Sep, 2012)
Crash Dive  (July, 2017)
Crimson Tide  (Oct., 2016)
Cromwell  (Apr, 2012)
The Crossing (Feb, 2013)  and again  (Dec, 2020)
#64 - Cross of Iron  (May, 2011)  Book / Movie  (July, 2019)  Facts (July, 2024)
Culloden   (Apr, 2021)
Custer of the West   (Jan, 2021)
Dad's Army  (Mar., 2017)
Da 5 Bloods   (June, 2020)
Dam Busters  (Nov, 2010)
Damn the Defiant vs. Horatio Hornblower)  (Aug., 2012)
Danger Close  (June, 2020)
Darby's Rangers vs. Gung Ho (June, 2014)
Dark Blue World  (June, 2015)
Darkest Hour  (Jan, 2018)
#3 - Das Boot (July, 2014) includes Book/Movie
Das Boot (TV series) (Mar, 2020)
Day After, The  (July, 2023)
Day of Days (Band of Brothers)  (June, 2014)
Days of Glory  (Jan., 2014)
Days of Glory (1944)  (Jan., 2023)
D-Day - The 6th of June  (June, 2013)
Death Race  (Sept., 2020)
Decision Before Dawn  (May, 2015)
# 29 - The Deer Hunter  (Aug, 2012)
Defiance (June, 2014)
# 78 – Desert Fox  (Dec, 2010)
Destination Tokyo  (Aug, 2012)
The Devil's Brigade  (July, 2013)
The Devil's Disciple (July, 2014)
Devils in the Doorstep  (Sept., 2016)
Devotion (2022)   (Nov., 2022)
# 21 - The Dirty Dozen  (Dec, 2012)
Divided We Fall  (Apr, 2019)
# 84 – Dr. Strangelove  (Oct, 2010)
Doctor Zhivago  (June, 2023)
Dog (2022)  (Mar, 2023)
The Dogs of War  (Dec., 2015)
Dog Soldiers    (Mar, 2021)
# 35 - Downfall  (June, 2012)
Down Periscope vs. Operation Petticoat  (July, 2017)
Dresden  (Feb, 2019)
Drones  (Jan, 2016)
# 27 - Duck Soup  (Aug, 2012)
Duck, You Sucker  (Feb, 2018)
The Duellists (Jan, 2015)  Novella/Movie
# 89 – Dunkirk (1958)  (June, 2011 &  Aug, 2017)
Dunkirk (2004) doc. (May, 2023)
Dunkirk (2017)  (July, 2017)
The Eagle  (Feb, 2011)
The Eagle and the Hawk  (May, 2020)
The Eagle Has Landed  (Jun, 2012)
Edge of Darkness  (Aug., 2021)
Edge of Tomorrow  (Feb, 2019)
Eight Iron Men  (Oct, 2019)
84 Charlie Mopic
El Alamein - The Line of Fire  (Dec., 2013)
# 63 – El Cid  (Jun, 2011)
Emancipation (2022)  (Dec, 2022)
Emperor (2012)  (June, 2022)
Empire of the Sun
Ender's Game  (Nov, 2013)  Book/Movie
Enemy at the Gates (Feb, 2013)
English Patient, The  (Nov., 2021)
Enigma  (Oct, 2012)
Escape from Mogadishu (2021)   (May, 2023)
Escape from Sobibor  (Nov, 2013)
Europa, Europa  (July, 2016)
Exodus (1960)  (May, 2023)
Eye in the Sky  (Jan, 2018)
Eye of the Needle  (Au, 2018)
Fail Safe  (Jan, 2013)
Faith of My Fathers  (Sept, 2017)
Father of a Soldier  (June, 2023)
Fat Man and Little Boy  (Feb., 2022)
Fear and Desire (Dec., 2021)
A Few Good Men   (May, 2021)
Field of Lost Shoes   (May, 2021)
55 Days at Peking  (May, 2020)
Fighter Squadron  (July, 2015)
The Fighting Lady  (Oct, 2019)
The Fighting Seabees  (Jan., 2014)
The Fighting 69th  (April, 2014)
The Fighting Sullivans  (Oct, 2010)
Firebird (2021)  (Apr, 2023)
Firefox (June, 2015)
Fires on the Plain  (Jan, 2011)
The First of the Few  (Au., 2016)
Five Graves to Cairo  (Sep, 2010)
Fixed Bayonets  (Dec, 2012)
Flame and Citron  (Jul, 2012)
Flat Top  (Dec, 2018)
Flight of the Intruder - Book/Movie  (Nov, 2018)
Flight World War II  (Dec, 2015)
The Flowers of War (Feb, 2013)
Flyboys  (Sep, 2012)
Flying Tigers  (Sept., 2024)
Fog of War, The (2003)  (Aug., 2022)
Forbidden Games  (May, 2023)
Force Ten for Navarone  (Nov., 2016) 
Forgotten Battle, The  (Oct., 2021)
Fortress  (Jan, 2016)
Fourth War, The  (Apr., 2022)
49th Parallel  (May, 2011)
Foxhole (2021)   (May, 2023)
Frankenstein's Army  (July, 2020)
Friendly Fire (1979)  (July, 2022)
Friendly Persuasion  (Dec., 2021)
Frogmen, The  (Nov, 2019)
# 59 – From Here to Eternity  (Jul, 2011) Book/Movie (Au, 2021)
The Frontline  (May, 2014)
F.T.A. (1972) (doc)  (Aug., 2022)
#16 - Full Metal Jacket  (June, 2013)  Book/Movie
Fury  (Oct., 2014)
The Gallant Hours  (Au, 2019)
Gallipoli  (Feb, 2011)
# 42 – The General  (Mar, 2012)
General Spanky  (May, 2023)
A Generation (1955)  (June, 2022)
Generation Kill (series)   (Mar, 2021)
Generation War  (series)  (June, 2020)
# 46 – Gettysburg  (Nov, 2011)
“Gettysburg” on THC  (May, 2011)
G.I. Jane (1997)  (Nov, 2022)
# 10 - Glory  (Dec, 2013)
God is My Co-Pilot (Dec., 2013)
Gods and Generals  (June, 2017)
Godzilla Minus One (Dec., 2023)
Go For Broke  (Nov, 2018)
Good  (Aug., 2021)
Good Kill (Feb, 2018)
Good Morning, Vietnam  (Aug, 2013)
Go Tell It To the Spartans / Incident at Muc Wa (April, 2014)
# 44 - The Great Escape  (Jan, 2012)
The Great War  (Sept., 2020)
The Great Wall (2016)  (Dec, 2022)
The Green Berets (June, 2015)
The Green Zone vs. The Kingdom   (May, 2021)
Greyhound  (July, 2020)  Book/Movie  (Au, 2020)
Grey Lady Down  (Oct., 2016)
The Grey Zone  (Dec., 2016)
# 69 – Guadalcanal Diary  (Apr, 2011)
Guernica  (Feb., 2017)
Gunga Din  (Nov, 2010)
Gung Ho vs. Darby's rangers (June, 2014)
Guns at Batasi  (Feb, 2016)
Hacksaw Ridge  (Nov., 2016)
# 70 – Hail Conquering Hero  (Mar, 2011)
Hair (June, 2014)
Halls of Montezuma  (Nov, 2011)
Hamburger Hill  (Aug, 2011)  and here  (May, 2021)
Hannibal (1959)   (Jan, 2021)
Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare  (Oct, 2017)
Hanoi Hilton  (Jan, 2016)
Hanover Street  (Oct, 2011)
Hart's War  (Feb., 2022)
Heartbreak Ridge  (Jan., 2014)
Hearts of Darkness  (Sept., 2023)
The Hidden Fortress   (Mar, 2021)
Hook, The  (Dec., 2021)
Hope and Glory  (May, 2012)
The Hunters  (Sep, 2010)
The Hunt for Red October  (Sept, 2017)
The Hurt Locker  (Au., 2016)
Hyena Road  (May, 2017)
Ice Cold in Alex  (May, 2020)
Ice Station Zebra (Sep., 2014)
Image of Victory (2021)   (Apr, 2023)
The Imitation Game (June, 2015)
Incendies   (Apr, 2021)
In Country  (Mar., 2022)
The Incredible Mr. Limpit (July, 2014)
Independence Day  (Jan, 2019
In Enemy Hands  (Jan, 2021)
# 51 – The Informer  (Sep, 2011)
Inglorious Bastards (Aug, 2014)
Inglourious Basterds (Aug, 2014)
In Harm's Way (Book/Movie) Sept, 2018
In Love and War  (Dec, 2017)
In Pursuit of Honor  (July, 2016)
Interceptor (2022)  (Feb, 2023)
In the Loop (Feb., 2024)
In the Valley of Elah (June, 2014)
In This Corner of the World  (June, 2023)
Into the White  (July, 2016)  
Ironclads (Mar., 2022)
Iron Triangle (1989)  (Aug., 2022)
Is Paris Burning?   (Sept., 2020)
I.S.S. (Jan., 2023)
It Happened Here  (Feb., 2017)
Ivan's Childhood  (June, 2013)
I Was a Male War Bride (June, 2014)
 Jacob's Ladder  (Nov., 2023)
 Jackknife (1989)  (Jan, 2023)
Jarhead (2005)  (July, 2022)
Jarhead 3  (March, 2017)
Jet Pilot (July, 2023)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)  (July, 2022)
Johnny Tremain (Feb., 2022)  Book/Movie
John Paul Jones  (July, 2021)
Joint Security Area (May, 2013)
Jojo Rabbit  (Dec, 2020)
Journey's End (1930)  (Apr., 2016)
Journey's End (2018)  (Feb, 2019)
Journey to Royal (2021)   (May, 2023)
Joyeux Noel (Oct, 2010)
Judgment at Nuremberg  (May, 2018)
#34 - Kagemusha (Jul, 2012)
Kanal (Mar, 2013)
Katyn  (Sept., 2016)
Kelly's Heroes  (Sep, 2013) /  deep dive
Khartoum   (Jan., 2022)
The Killing Fields  (Sep, 2013)
Kill Team (doc.)  (Apr, 2021)
Kill Team, The  (Oct., 2021)
Kilo Two Bravo  (Jan., 2017)
King, The  (Nov., 2019)
King and Country  (Dec, 2017)
King Arthur  (Apr, 2012)
Kingdom of Heaven   (Jan, 2021)
King of Hearts  (Nov., 2021)
King Rat  (May, 2011)  Book/Movie (May, 2015)
Kippur  (Nov., 2014)
Kokoda (Aug., 2015)
Korengal (2014)   (Sept., 2022)
Lacombe, Lucien (Aug., 2015)
Lancaster Skies   (Jan., 2022)
Land and Freedom  (Oct. 2018)
Land of Bad (Feb., 2024)
Last Flag Flying   (May, 2021)
The Last Full Measure  (July, 2020)
The Last Grenade  (Aug., 2021)
Last Men, The (2023)  (July, 2024)
# 95 – Last of the Mohicans  (Aug, 2010)  /  Book/Movie  (Dec., 2021)
Lebanon vs. Beaufort  (Aug, 2012)
The Legend of Tarzan  (Sept, 2019)
Le Pantalon  (Jan., 2022)
#4 - Letters from Iwo Jima (June, 2014)
Liberation series  (April, 2023)
Lifeboat (1944) (Nov, 2022)
Life is Beautiful  (Feb, 2018)
The Lighthorsemen  (May, 2015)
Lincoln  (Nov, 2017)
Long and the Short and the Tall  (Feb., 2022)
The Longest Day  (June, 2013)
Long Road Home  (Jan., 2022)
The Lost Battalion (Oct., 2015)
Lost Command (Aug., 2023)
Lost Patrol, The  (Feb., 2014)
MacArthur  (Feb., 2022)
Major Dundee  (Nov, 2013)
Malta Story (Mar, 2015)
Manchurian Candidate (2004)  (Apr., 2022)
A Man Escaped  (Oct., 2014)
Man Hunt  (Jan, 2016)
The Man Who Never Was  (Mar, 2021)
# 33 - MASH  (Jul, 2012)
Master and Commander  (June, 2017)
Mauritanian, The (2021)  (Mar, 2023)
Max Manus  (June, 2016)
The McConnell Story  (May, 2015)
The McKenzie Break  (May, 2014)
Meagan Leavey  (June, 2017)
Meet the Spartans vs. Hot Shots
Memphis Belle vs. 30 Seconds (Sep, 2010)
Men in Battle (May, 2018)
Men in War  (Oct., 2015)
Men of Honor  (Jan, 2018)
Merrill's Marauders (July, 2015)
A Midnight Clear  (Dec, 2011)
# 92 – Midway  (Sep, 2010)
Midway (2019)  (Nov. 2019)
Mine  (June, 2018)
Minesweeper  (June, 2019)
Miracle of Morgan's Creek   (June, 2021)
Miracle at St. Anna  (Aug, 2011)
Mrs. Miniver (May, 2013)
Missiles of October   (Jan., 2022)
Mister Roberts  (June, 2023)
More American Graffiti  (Au, 2019)
Mosul   (Nov, 2020)
Mother Night  (Jan., 2022)
Mountain Road, The  (Sept., 2021)
Mulan (2020)  (June. 2023)
Munich: The Edge of War   (Feb., 2022)
Murphy's War vs. Shout at the Devil  (May, 2014)
My Boy Jack (June, 2014)
My Way  (Dec., 2016)
The Naked and the Dead  Sept, 2018
# 37 - Napoleon  (Jul, 2012)
Napoleon (2023)  (Nov., 2023)
Navy SEALs   (May, 2021)
Never So Few  (Dec., 2013)
The Night of the Generals  (Oct., 2015)
Nine Lives  (Oct., 2021)
1941 (1979)  (July, 2022)
1944  (Dec, 2020)
1917  (Dec, 2019)
9th Company  (Dec, 2010)
No Man Is an Island  (Mar, 2021)
# 57 – Notorious  (Jul, 2011)
Objective, Burma  (Oct, 2013)
One Minute To Zero (1952)   (July, 2022)
One Shot  (Apr, 2023)
The One That Got Away   (Oct., 2020)
On the Beach (1959)  (Aug., 2022)
Operation Christmas Drop   (Dec., 2021)
Operation Crossbow  (Oct., 2014)
Operation Dumbo Drop  (Jan., 2022)
Operation Finale  (Feb, 2019)
Oppenheimer (July, 2023)
Outlaw King  (Nov, 2018)
The Outpost  (July, 2020)  and here  (June, 2021)
Outside the Wire  (Jan, 2021)
Overlord (1975)  (June, 2013)
Overlord (2018) (Nov, 2018)
Pacific, The (series)  (Aug., 2023)
The Painted Bird  (Apr, 2021)
Panfilov's 28 Men  (Dec, 2020)
Pan's Labyrinth (Mar, 2015)
Passchendaele vs. The Trench  (Apr, 2012)
Pathfinders  (May, 2014)
#2 - Paths of Glory (Aug, 2014)
The Patriot  (Jun, 2012)
#17 - Patton  (May, 2013)
Pearl Harbor  (Dec., 2021)
A Permanent Mark (doc) (2023)  (Mar, 2023)
Phantom (Mar, 2013)
The Pianist  (Apr, 2018)
Piece of Cake   (Apr, 2021)  Book/Miniseries
Pimpernel Smith  (Oct, 2018)
#9 - Platoon  (Jan., 2014)
Platoon Leader (Sep, 2010)
Play Dirty  (Sep, 2013)
Prisoners of the Mountain  (Dec, 2011)
Prisoners of the Sun (Blood Oath)  (Nov, 2013)
Private Peaceful  (Apr., 2016)
A Private War  (Feb, 2019)
PT-109  (May, 2020)
Quiet American (2002)  (May, 2022) 
The Rack  (Dec, 2018)
The Railway Man  (Sept., 2015)
Rambo: First Blood Part II   (Feb., 2022)
# 76 – Ran  (Jan, 2011)
Reach for Glory (1962)  (Aug., 2022)
Reach for the Sky (Mar, 2015)
Real Glory, The (March, 2024)
The Red and the White  (Feb, 2018)
The Red Badge of Courage (June, 2017)  Book/Movie  (July, 2017)
The Red Badge of Courage (1974)  (July, 2017)
Red Ball Express (1952)  (May, 2022)
The Red Baron (June, 2015)
Red Rose of Normandy   (Jan, 2021)
Red Tails  (Jan, 2012)
Regeneration  (Jul, 2011)  Book / Movie  (Sept, 2019) and here  (Nov., 2021)
Rescue Dawn  (Dec, 2019)
Resistance   (Mar., 2022)
Restrepo  (doc) (Dec, 2010)
Revolution (Revisited)   (Mar., 2022)
Ride with the Devil  (May, 2011)  Book/Movie June, 2014)
Rogue  (Mar., 2022)
Rogue One (Dec., 2016)
# 25 - Rome, Open City  (Oct, 2012)
Rough Riders vs. Buffalo Soldiers (Apr, 2013)
Rules of Engagement  (Mar, 2016)
Rumor of War  (Feb, 2019)
Sabre Jet (July, 2014)
# 83 – Sahara  (Nov, 2010)
Sahara (1995)  (Jan, 2016)
Saints and Soldiers  (Dec, 2012)
Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed  (Feb, 2016)
 Sand Castle (Jan, 2018)
SAS Rogue Heroes  (series) (2022)  (Dec, 2022)
#8 - Saving Private Ryan  (Feb, 2014)
Savior  (June, 2018)
# 56 - Scipio Africanus  (Feb, 2012)
Screaming Eagles (1956)  (Sept., 2022)
Sgt. Stubby  (Apr, 2019)
# 19 – Sgt. York  (Dec, 2012)
# 48 – The Sea Hawk  (Oct, 2011)
Seven Samurai  (Jul, 2012)
'71  (Aug., 2015)
Shenandoah  (Oct, 2011)
Sir! No Sir! (2006)   (July, 2022)
Sisu (2023) (doc)  (May, 2023)
6 Days  (July, 2021)
633 Squadron vs. Dam Busters  (Dec, 2010)
Sky Fighters  (Feb, 2016)
Small Light, A (series)  (Jan., 2023)
Sniper: Ghost Shooter  (Apr, 2017)
Soldier Boy (Aug., 2023)
Soldier of Orange (May, 2013)
A Soldier's Story (July, 2014)
Son of Saul  (June, 2020)
Son of the Morning Star  (June, 2020)
Sophie's Choice  (May, 2023)
South Pacific  (Feb., 2022)
#41 - Spartacus  (Apr, 2012)  the script  (Oct, 2020)
Special Bulletin (Feb., 2024)
Special Forces  (May, 2017)
Spectral  (sept., 2021)
Squadron 303   (Dec., 2021)
#18 - Stalag 17  (Apr, 2013)
# 23 - Stalingrad  (Nov, 2012)
Steel Claw, The  (Dec., 2023)
Steel Helmet  (Feb, 2012)
Storming Juno  (June, 2019)
Streamers   (June, 2023)
Strike Commando  (Jan., 2022)
Submarine Command  (Apr., 2016 / July, 2017)
Sword of Vengeance  (Apr, 2019)
Taegukgi  (Dec, 2011)
Take the High Ground  (May, 2014)
Taking Chance vs. Gardens of Stone (July, 2015)
Talvisota  (Jan, 2021)
Tangerines  (Oct, 2019)
Tank Battalion (Dec, 2014)
The Tanks Are Coming  (Oct., 2015)
Tarawa Beachhead (Aug., 2015)
Tarzan Triumph  (Au, 2019)
Tears of the Sun (Sept., 2015) 
That Hamilton Woman   (Oct., 2021)
Their Finest  (Jan, 2018)
Theirs Is the Glory  (Jan, 2016)
They Fought for Their Country   (Apr, 2021)
They Shall Not Grow Old (doc)  (July, 2019)
# 80 – Third Man  (Dec, 2010)
Thirteen Assassins  (Mar, 2018)
Thirteen Days  (Mar., 2022)
13 Hours (Nov., 2016)
Thirteenth Warrior  (May, 2022)
36 Hours  (Mar, 2021)
Threads (1984)  (Mar, 2023)
300  (Aug, 2013)
300: Rise of Empire (Mar, 2014)
THe 300 Spartans(Mar, 2014)
Three Kings  (Jan, 2012)
The 317th Platoon  (Apr, 2020)
Thud Pilots  (doc)  (Jan., 2022)
Tigerland  (Feb, 2012)
Time Limit  (Dec, 2010)
A Time to Live and a Time to Die  (June, 2016)
# 60 – Tin Drum  (Jun, 2011)
To End All Wars  (Feb., 2022)
# 77 – To Hell and Back  (Dec, 2010)
Tomorrow, When the War Came  (Dec, 2015)
Too Late the Hero  (Feb, 2016)
Too Young the Hero  (Nov., 2015)
Top Gun (June, 2015)  //   (Aug., 2015)
Tora! Tora! Tora!  (Jun, 2012)  and trivia  (Mar., 2022)
Torpedo Run  (July, 2017)
Tournament: Dogfighting Movies (March, 2015)
A Town Like Alice  (Sept., 2021)
# 62 - The Train  (Jun, 2011)
Trial on the Road (1971)  (Nov, 2022)
Tribes  (Apr, 2020)
Tropic Thunder (Aug, 2014)
Troy   (Mar, 2016) Homer or Hollywood
T-34   (Apr, 2021)
Tunes of Glory  (Oct, 2012)
Tunnel Rats  (Nov., 2016)
The Tuskegee Airmen   (May, 2021)
The 12th Man  (Dec, 2020)
U-571  (Sep, 2013)
# 54 – Ulzana’s Raid  (Aug, 2011)
Unbroken (Jan, 2015)
Under Fire   (Feb, 2021)
Under Heavy Fire  (Apr., 2022)
Under the Flag of the Rising Sun  (Sept, 2019)
An Ungentlemanly Act (Dec., 2013)
The Unknown Soldier (2017)  (Dec, 2020) & here (July, 2021)
Up Periscope  (July, 2017)
Uprising  (Jan, 2021)
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage vs. Mission of the Shark  (Apr, 2017)
Valiant vs. Chicken Run  (May, 2017)
Valkyrie (Sept., 2015)
A Very Long Engagement  (Apr., 2016)
Veteran, The (2006)  (Sept., 2022)
Victors, The  (Dec., 2021)
Victory (July, 2014)
The Vikings  (Dec., 2013)
Von Richthofen and Brown (June, 2015)
Von Ryan's Express  (Aug, 2013)
Wake Island (Mar, 2013)
# 82 – Walk in the Sun  (Nov, 2010)  /  Book / Movie  (May, 2019)
Waltz With Bashir   (Sept, 2019)
A War  (Sept., 2021)
War Below, The  (Apr, 2023)
War Game  (Dec, 2019) compared to the book
War Machine  (May, 2017)
Warbirds (Jan, 2013)
War Flowers  (Feb., 2022)
War Game  (Dec, 2018)
War Horse  (Dec, 2011)  Book/Movie  (June, 2016)
War Hunt  (Nov., 2015)
The War Lord  (July, 2016)
The War Lover (Aug., 2015)  Book/Movie
War Sailor (2022)  (Apr, 2023)
War Witch  (Oct., 2021) and here
War of the Worlds  (Dec, 2018)
        Cat Shit One  (Dec, 2019)
        Coward  (Feb, 2019)
        Firebase  (Dec, 2019)
        Kommando 1944  (June, 2020)
        Lancaster  (Mar., 2020)
        Sniper, The  (Feb, 2019)
        Their War  (Nov, 2019)
        White Feather  (Mar., 2020)
The Water Diviner  (Mar, 2016)
Waterloo  (Aug, 2012)
The Way Back  (Nov., 2014)
We Dive at Dawn  (June, 2017)
Welcome to Dongmahgol  (Mar, 2016)
Went the Day Well?  (Feb., 2017)
Western Approaches   (Jan., 2022)
Westfront 1918  (Sept., 2015)
We Were Soldiers (Dec., 2013)
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?  (Oct., 2014)
What Price Glory? 1926 vs. 1952 (Dec, 2013)
Wheels of Terror  (Jan., 2021)
When Trumpets Fade  (Jan, 2014)
Where Eagles Dare  (May, 2012)  //  Book/Movie (July, 2015)
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot  (Mar, 2016)
White Tiger  (Apr, 2018)
The Wild Geese (Dec., 2013)
The Wind and the Lion   (May, 2021)
Windtalkers  (Dec., 2016)
The Wind That Shakes the Barley  (Dec, 2013)
Wing and a Prayer  (Oct, 2010)
#11 - Wings  (Sep, 2013)
The Wings of Eagles (july, 2020)
Winter in Wartime  (June, 2013)
The Wipers Times  (Jan, 2016)
Woman King (2022)  (Oct, 2022)
Wonder Woman  (Nov, 2017)
Wooden Crosses  (Apr., 2016)
The Wooden Horse (Sept, 2014)
Yanks  (May, 2012)
Yojimbo  (Nov, 2010)
Zeppelin  (Jan, 2021)
Zero Dark Thirty (Jan, 2013)
#22 - Zulu  (Nov, 2012)
Zulu Dawn (Feb, 2015)